Sunday, July 25, 2010

Welcome to GAMP

Hi! Welcome to the blog of IMU Games Anime Manga Party! This is the place where we can keep you informed about GAMP and events within GAMP.

Place: Chancellor Hall, Fourth Floor, International Medical University
Date: 14 August 2010 (Saturday)
Time: 10 am to 7 pm
Entrance fee: Free >w< BUT IMU carpark flat rate parking is RM 9.00 per day >.< so do consider carpooling >w<

We do not encourage parking at the road sides as there are safety risks involved, and the apartment complex nearby are very strict about parking, so although its a bit expensive, do park inside IMU basement as its safer.

IMU is a medical and research university, so there are expensive stuff lying here there and everywhere, so if you are planning to explore the place, away from the event site, please get an GAMP committee member or GAMP security team member to accompany you >w< we cannot risk the damage or lost of equipment or exhibits or data or the management will kill us. They have scalpels we no joke.

Regarding safety, please go around in large groups, even if you wish to do an outdoor photoshoot. it is best if you can get a GAMP security team member to accompany your group if you wish to venture away from the event site!

yes though we are small, there is a risk of getting lost or locked in/out anywhere >o<

regarding food, there is a cafe here, selling buns, sandwiches and coffee on the third floor, less than 30 seconds walk from the Chancellor Hall, so don't worry about food. Since August is the Puasa Month, in respect for our Muslim friends, the Chancellor Hall is a NO FOOD ZONE. Please eat outside the event hall.

do contact us at if you would like any more information!

This is the first time we will be holding an event, so do advise kindly! >w<

Thank you very much!! XXD

1 comment:

  1. Hai! XD Oh. Im the 1st one to comment. ^^
    That great! The entrance is free! Hope the event is fun, a lot activity and full of cosplayer..! XD Can't wait to go there..! XD I support GAMP! XD
