Monday, August 16, 2010

ITS FINALLY OVER!! Thank you so much everybody!!

Hi guys! I'm sorry for this uber late post TAT

Thank you so much everybody, for coming to this event! >w< indeed, it is the people, the participants, the visitors, everyone, who makes an event a success!

We have had a few bumps (especially with the food >///<). For all that, we would like to sincerely apologise TAT sorry guys..TAT

Once again, thank you so much for coming and support this event!!!!!!

See you at other events!!!!! XXXD


Friday, August 13, 2010


GUYS! you have a chance to show off your manry-ness! >w< the female changing room lights sudah rosak, so they will be given the male changing room to use. We hope that the toilet will be big enough for your use! We apologize for this last minute hiccup!

Thursday, August 12, 2010

pictorial guide to GAMP!

hi guys! you can view a pictorial guide to GAMP at

so please head over there for a look see >w< its at the latest post >w<


Hi! I'm so sorry for the last minute inform, but the cosplay contest registration closes 30 mins before the contest starts! So, for individual contest, registration closes at 1.00pm and the contest starts at 1.30pm. Same for group contest, registration closes at 3.00pm and the contest starts at 3.30pm. Please take note!!! thank you!!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Time Table and Venue Floor Map

Hi guys! i'm so sorry for the late update TAT but here they are!!!

the final time table!

10:00am -10:30 am > Opening ceremony
11:00am - 1:00pm > Drawing contest
1:30pm - 2:30pm > Solo cosplay contest
2:30pm - 3:30pm > Performances
3:30pm - 4:30 pm > Group cosplay contest
4:30pm - 5:00pm > Floor games ----> these are really going to be crazy! so do be there!!!!
5:00pm - 6:00pm > Band performances
6:00pm - 6.30pm > Prize giving ceremony
6:30pm - 7:00pm > Dance dance party!

there will be smaller games in between, so do stick around! >w<

and here is the venue floor plan!!

Image Hosted by

And please heed these warnings!!!


ps>> you can peek into medical museum from outside, but even so, please do not take photographs! Uni rules! They give us permission for an event, we respect their rules!

pss>> IMU's big boss is the first doctor who successfully performed a kidney transplant in Malaysia, so we are really not kidding about the scalpels part >.<


Hi guys! Another special service from GAMP!!!

duramramramram SECOND HAND BOOTH!!!

lolwhat you ask? its a special booth manned by GAMP committee!

what zit do? well, what you do, is:

1) you make sure your precious goods are in tip top condition (or state clearly IN PRINT OR WRITING what are the defects)
2) label the price
3) leave it at the second hand booth before 12pm on 14th August. We have the right to refuse if we cannot handle too many items, so please come early!
4) After 5pm, you can come back and check on it, to see if it has been sold! if it has been sold, you can collect your money!


as with all shops, we can't guarantee someone won't come along and rip the head off your barbie doll, so please do check in every now and then, especially if someone wishes to inquire more about your item! >w<

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Drawing Contest! XXD

Hi! We will be also having a drawing contest during GAMP! here are the rules and regulations!!! please read them as an IMPORTANT HINT will be revealed!!! XXD

Drawing competition rules and regulations are UPPPP! >w<

Drawing contest rules and regulations

) There will be two groups, the below 18 and above 18 group, and two prizes per group.

2) Registration is on the spot.

3) References are allowed to be brought in. However, please do not trace from the reference.

4) Only art paper will be provided. Please prepare your own stationary.

5) You will be given 2 hours to complete your artwork. You are free toleave anytime before the two hours are up.

6) Here is a hint of the theme…it is on the GAMP official poster >w<

7) Prize giving will be at 6.30pm. so please be there! >w< those who are not present will forfeit their prizes.
8) Judges decision is final.

int hint>>please study these pictures! >w< you can view them here

thank you very much!!!!

Drawing Contest! XXD

Official poster is UP!!!! XXD

Hi! the official GAMP poster is UP!!!

Tuesday, August 3, 2010


Hi guys! just an update on the carpark at IMU for GAMP >w< the guards have told us that the parking fee is RM 3.00, not RM 9.00 for whole day weekends >w<

Even though they only allow us to use the lower basement car park, there are enough bays for everyone, so please DO NOT park at the roadside outside IMU. BAD THINGS HAVE HAPPENED BEFORE!! >o<

thank you~<3

Sunday, July 25, 2010


Here are the details on the cosplay competition!!!!

Rules are long, but please read! >o<


Solo Competition - Register on GAMP day.

Group Competition - Register on that day / online registration if you need anything to be prepare: tables, chairs (we will reply to you if we cannot provide you with the equipment, but try to bring your own >x< :cause you will need to prepare a performance for your group)

Best Costume - no need registration, just go to GAMP with your costume on, so basically everyone will be in...

Cosplayers rules:

1. Cosplayers are advised to wear decent costumes, not too revealing (wearing something like a spaghetti strip style dinner dress is still alright, but nothing more revealing than that. Definitely no loincloth allowed.) For example, Miku’s Magnet dress is ok, but not Black Rock Shooter. Yes our uni is super strict.

2. Cosplayers are not allowed to show indecent poses during the event (obscene, kissing, unethical scene are not allowed).

3. No Yaoi/Yuri/Incest is allowed.

4. Cosplayers are not allowed to use foul language or bad signs.

5. Over exposed male crossdressers are not allowed.

6. COSPLAY AT YOUR OWN RISK. IMU and Nihon no Sekai will not be responsible for any loss, damage or unfortunate incidents that might happen during GAMP. Therefore,
please co-operate with all the rules, so that we can all have a fun, carefree event.

Cosplay Props Rules

1. Self made replicas are allowed, but Do Not bring real props/weapons (gun, swords, knives) into the venue. Self made props that are dangerous: made with glass, with sharp ends, etc. are not allowed. You know what is dangerous to self and others, so don’t bring it.
2. The event organizer will not be responsible for any damage or lost of the props. Please take care of your own item.

Cosplay competition

1. The competition will be categorized into two groups; individual and group competition.
2. Please adhere to all the cosplay rules stated above, you will be automatically disqualifed form the competition if being caught breaking the rules.
3. Please register with the receptionist before 11am during the event if you are interested in joining.
4. Prizes – Individual: 1st prize, 2nd prize, 3rd prize.
- Group: 1st prize.
5. A best costume award will be given at the end of the day. This is open to non-competition participants only. Decision is by the secret agents scattered around…

6. Judging criteria for individual cosplay competition:
Costumes = 40%
Character portrayal = 40 %
Creativity = 20 %
7. Judging criteria for group cosplay competition:
Costumes = 30%
Character portrayal = 40 %
Creativity and Teamwork = 30 %

1. Registration will only be open to the maximum of 40 participants, first come first serve basis, please come to register with your costume on. On registration, tag will be given, please keep your tag with you at all times.
2. Individual competition will be divided into 2 rounds, preliminary round and final round.
3. For preliminary round, participants are given 3 minutes each. Question will be asked by the MC and the participants are required to act out their character while answering the questions. Points will be given based on the costume and how alike the participant is with the character. Participants are also required to pose 3 of the character famous poses.
4. 10 participants will be chosen for the final round. Participants are required to perform the character’s renowned act. Duration - 30 seconds each. MC may request the participants to act according to specific topic prepared by the MC with the other finalist (Mini drama).

1. Group competition will only have one round. Open to application online. Confirmation email will be sent out after we received your registration. Please come for the competition with a print copy of it.
2. Minimum of 2 in a group and maximum of 5 in the participating group.
3. Topic will be given upon register and participating groups are required to prepare a short performance around 3 minutes according to the topic. Required probes please request online (table)..
4. Participants are required to prepare 5 group poses and answer questions posted by the MC.


What is an event without doujin and artists booths? If you would like to rent a booth for GAMP, do contact us!

Rental for one day: RM 20.00

one booth will be slightly bigger than 2 'school table'

one table side 79.5cmx49.5cm

We will open up for 15 booths registration

First come first serve

Booths rules

1. Please register with the committee as soon as possible, place will be given at first come first serve basis. It is preferable to pay the fees early. Please do not redraw last minute as the fees are not refundable. (sites of choice will be posted online).

2. Each booth can only have maximum of 2 tender, we will only prepare 2 tags for your booth.
3. We will open for setting up at 8am. Please be early so that the event can start on time.

4. Please summit basic information of the number of booth tender, name, phone number and basic personal information. (so that we know who you are to keep in touch and prepare a tag for you and your team)

5. Please submit a list of things that you will be selling with price. (example: comic books – price range RM? to RM?, book marks – price RM to RM?) It is a simple list, generally showing us what you are bringing to the event. No need to list out all the different title of things.

6. Please provide us with items 4 and 5 as soon as possible, so we can get IMU approval. (they are very strict about booths and selling items, even doujins.)

7. Please take note that the things that you are selling must not portrait sexual content. (example: naked body can be accepted, but not with --- pose. You know what.)

8. No ghastly stuff is allowed. (Sexually improper items or items depicting 18 SX situations, or Yaoi or Yuri material. No selling under the table either). We will confiscate any items that we deem improper, and will only return them after the event.)

9. The charge of things will be up to you, but please let the price be reasonable.

Welcome to GAMP

Hi! Welcome to the blog of IMU Games Anime Manga Party! This is the place where we can keep you informed about GAMP and events within GAMP.

Place: Chancellor Hall, Fourth Floor, International Medical University
Date: 14 August 2010 (Saturday)
Time: 10 am to 7 pm
Entrance fee: Free >w< BUT IMU carpark flat rate parking is RM 9.00 per day >.< so do consider carpooling >w<

We do not encourage parking at the road sides as there are safety risks involved, and the apartment complex nearby are very strict about parking, so although its a bit expensive, do park inside IMU basement as its safer.

IMU is a medical and research university, so there are expensive stuff lying here there and everywhere, so if you are planning to explore the place, away from the event site, please get an GAMP committee member or GAMP security team member to accompany you >w< we cannot risk the damage or lost of equipment or exhibits or data or the management will kill us. They have scalpels we no joke.

Regarding safety, please go around in large groups, even if you wish to do an outdoor photoshoot. it is best if you can get a GAMP security team member to accompany your group if you wish to venture away from the event site!

yes though we are small, there is a risk of getting lost or locked in/out anywhere >o<

regarding food, there is a cafe here, selling buns, sandwiches and coffee on the third floor, less than 30 seconds walk from the Chancellor Hall, so don't worry about food. Since August is the Puasa Month, in respect for our Muslim friends, the Chancellor Hall is a NO FOOD ZONE. Please eat outside the event hall.

do contact us at if you would like any more information!

This is the first time we will be holding an event, so do advise kindly! >w<

Thank you very much!! XXD